Opening: Sunday, October 18 5 – 7 pm
Through November 12
GRIDSPACE is pleased to present Painting Parallels, a solo exhibition by Jenny Kemp of paintings and animation.
For the exhibit, Kemp created twelve 14x14 inch paintings on paper that echo the dominant grid of the gallery's namesake. Each focuses on a language of linear abstraction Kemp has been developing for the past several years, in which space and light is built through parallel lines that shift slowly in hue and intensity. Through this motif, Kemp explores time and illumination through the generation of abstract forms from this hand-painted process. Also on view is a new animation in which painted lines are dissected from paintings and re-assembled in a one-minute looping video.
Kemp received her Bachelors degree in studio art from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and MFA in Painting from the University at Albany. Her work has been exhibited across the country, most recently at Geoffrey Young Gallery in Great Barrington, MA and an invitational exhibition at The Painting Center in NYC. Her work has been featured in publications such as 100 Painters of Tomorrow published by Thames & Hudson, The Huffington Post, NY Times, Seattle’s City Arts, LUXE, and Apogee. Recent awards include The Art Center of the Capital Region of New York's Emerging Artist award as well as a 2015 NYFA fellowship in painting.