Joe Winter: UFO
Spring 2017
112 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Opening Reception: April 29th, 7-9PM
UFO, or UnFinished Object, is a term used by quilters to describe a project begun and not yet completed, abandoned for an indeterminate period.
In the spirit of UFOs, Joe Winter presents a series of textile-based objects in various states of assembly in an installation at GRIDSPACE. Arranged and displayed on an architectural scaffolding, Winter’s fabric works cross the basic unit of quilting—the block—with the various ‘units’ comprising and populating the home—brick, stone, wood plank, ceramic tile. The collision of materials and processes—handmade, mass produced, architectural, decorative—draws attention to the layers of labor embedded in the objects appointing a home, and the implicit hierarchy of aesthetic and cultural value assigned to that labor.
The installation reflects Winter’s ongoing conception of the domestic environment as a UFO, an always-unfinished work. The home is a site of perpetual flux: a collection of objects, spaces and materials being made, un-made, remade, renovated, updated, finished, re-finished, inhabited, adapted, used, and disused.