Julia Klein: Small Sculptures
From November 12th to December 14th, 2011
Viewable 24/7
Opening: Saturday, November 12th, 6 to8pm
"Every word, every object is what it is, and many things besides. When Baj's interest turned to furniture-pieces, he at once noticed — faithful to his metaphoric method — their disturbing character: without ceasing to be furniture, each piece was a fantastic animal. Our homes are peopled by a fauna that is grotesque and menacing by turns. But one day, whilst he was scrutinizing these creatures, they changed back into furniture pieces before his eyes."
– Octavio Paz in "The Furniture Pieces of Enrico Baj" (1961), catalog essay for Baj: ebanisterie e mobili at Galleria Schwarz (Milan) 1/12/62